Monday, January 14, 2013

My Favorite Books

I don't really have just one favorite but out of everything I've read there are a few that immediately come to mind as exceptional. Today I make you a list that if you want to read what I've read should take you most of the year and will leave you with a whole new way of looking at the world by 2014.

Practical knowledge books:
     The Colossal book of Mathematics
 The mathematics of Money
Sun Tzu - The art of war
Hagakure the book of the samurai
 Harvey Cohn - Advanced Number Theory
network associates? - Introduction to cryptography
Department of the Army - first aid for soldiers
The thinking mans thesaurus
Benjamin Crowell - series on introductory physics
Bo Thide - electromagnetic field theory
Frank M White - fluid mechanics
handbook of applied cryptography
Herbert Neff - introductory electromagnetics

Devious books:
      every Anarchist Cookbook ever printed, though I do believe they are illegal in the United States just a warning, but my fellow readers in the UK shouldn't have a problem as far as I know.
The Trinity guide to hacking programs
KeyGen Useful Breakpoints
A Hackers Guide to protecting your internet and network
Metasploit testers guide
 Firewalls and Networks, gaining access to remote computers
hackers black book, desk reference, and handbook
secrets of lock picking
the art of lock picking
the inctek guide to street anarchy
vortex's cookbook (2004 edition)
abbie hoffman - steal this book
ozymandias sabotage skills
the big book of mischief
Combat Net Radio Operations
NSA employee manual
CIA book of dirty tricks, psych ops in guerrilla warfare,
US Army - communications jamming

Kenneth G and Tetsuo Takagaki guide to learning Hiragana and Katakana
the extreme searchers internet handbook
 visual c++ for dummies v6 or later
how to instantly connect with anyone
bartenders reference
14,000 drinks and how to make them
top secret recipes
365 foreign dishes
prize winning recipes
ultimate grilling guide
click to cook
284 rice recipes
the complete slow cooker cookbook essential recipes
big book of NLP
Michel Thomas - the future of learning

     Grimm's fairytales
Ayn Rand -Atlas Shrugged, and for the new intellectual
Michael Crichton - Andromeda Strain, and Timeline
Jules Verne - The underground city
James Joyce - Ulysses
Unknown? - The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius
Harper Lee - To kill a mocking bird
George Orwell - 1984
Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse Five
Isaac Asimov - Bicentential Man, The Fun They Had, The Foundation trilogy, Feeling of Power, and all the Nebula Stories
Orson Scott Card - Atlantis
Arthur C Clarke - the four Odyssey stories 2001, 2010, 2061, 3001
Frank Herbert - Dune
Aldous Huxley - Brave new world
H.G.Wells - Time Machine (you knew it was coming), Invisible man, and War of the Worlds
John Wyndham - Day of the Triffids
CJ Cherryh - Cyteen Trilogy
Philli K Dick - Scanner Darkly
Homer - The Illiad, and The Odyssey
Robert A Heinlein - a comedy of justice, all you zombies, citizen of the galaxy, requiem, and Sixth Column

     Aristotle -  metaphysics, dreams, generation and corruption, memory and reminiscence, sense and sensibility, the soul, youth and old age, physics, poetics, posterior analytics, rhetoric
Rene Descartes - Mediations on first philosophy, and Truth in Sciences
Dante's - Inferno, purgatory, paradise
Confucius - analects, doctrine of the mean, and Great Learning
Albert Pike - morals and dogma
Unknown? - Does time really exist, and Why the future doesn't need us
 Zaine Ridling - philosophy then and now
Plato - Crito, Laws, Republic, Timaeus

     Karl Marx - the communist manifesto
 my physics folder is enormous and they all just blur together after a while but they've all helped shape how I look at the world, though I suppose two titles actually stick out as exceptionally well written and memorable, namely fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics, and computational methods for fluid dynamics
 Einstein - Relativity the special and general theory, the world as I see it, and physics of illusion
Richard Feynman - the meaning of it all
Erik Nanstiel - a new hypothesis on the mechanism for gravity ( aka the graviton theory, definitely worth reading next to any book on the higgs boson field)

On a side note my favorite recently released book that I've been reading repeatedly the last few months is the Theoretical limits of ranging algorithms on Ultra Wideband Positioning Systems. Which is basically an advanced look at how internet providers are going to establish a new nation wide wifi using the old TV broadcasting frequencies and what the possible capabilities and limits are of the system. It's so exciting.

1 comment:

  1. That's a huge list but I'm surprised you don't have any Psychology ones there.
