Thursday, January 24, 2013

Engaging Students

It's a long held and simple truth that it's difficult if not impossible to teach something effectively to someone that just isn't interested or engaged in the learning process. The future of education relies on finding new ways to engage students into wanting to learn on their own. I will say I've spent probably 3 or 4x as much time on places like wikipedia or searching the internet than I did in highschool all spent learning what I'm interested in. Imagine then how much a student would learn if you could make it so they want to learn it to the point they're doing homework over summer because they want to not because they have to.

Right now we waste absurd amounts of time with repetition making sure students have memorized answers rather than teaching them methods and critical thinking skills. We should focus more on teaching them how to answer questions than having them remember the answers. Facts like this are only made worse when you consider the large gap in quality of education from school to school. In some schools they're teaching 3rd graders the same algebra I did in college and in some colleges they're teaching the same english I learned in highschool.  Then there's how long it takes for changing facts to trickle down the education system particularly in science and biology.

The real problem though is finding ways to help the students connect with the subject material in ways that make them want to know more. One of the more simplistic concepts of this was when I was in an advanced class towards the end of elementary and my teachers gave the class checkbooks and the better you did in class the more fake money you earned to bid on real items in an auction they'd hold each week. The items weren't worth much but when you're young they're just cool and there's that feeling of power and sense of reward. While it's not the best tactic you can't really argue with the results as I had a perfect grade that whole year and put extra effort to make sure I understood everything as did most of the rest of the class. At the end of the year there was even a somewhat larger auction for things like a bicycle and the whole experience taught us a lot in addition to what we then wanted to learn in class. While a reward system is effective it doesn't stick once the reward disappears and thus I would have to still suggest an alternative.

It's not for me to say what the best alternative is however I will say that there are people out there doing research and many of them have great ideas worth giving a proper try even if on a small scale. It's clear the current system is in need of an upgrade and it's important to all of us to help that happen as quickly as possible. Even if it's just something simple like another idea I was reading where they extend the day by a couple extra hours and in return the students get friday off which ended up with a reduced cost to the school and higher grades on average by giving each class some extra time with the students. Other ideas I've reviewed that seemed interesting included keeping the same teacher all day, the teachers swapping rooms rather than the students so the same class is always together, teaching only one subject per day for the whole day so your class schedule works out daily rather than hourly, and various other ideas all of which seem like they could have some equally great results. I particularly like the idea of students staying together with the same teacher so that way there's real bonds formed and students help each other and the teachers know just how to help the students. It's not like you need a specialized teacher for a subject prior to college given the simplistic nature of the materials given that it's considered general knowledge that most people know by the time they leave highschool. Though perhaps that would change and we would start teaching more advanced material then requiring specialized teachers in which case I would still suggest keeping a class together for the same reasons even if the teachers move around.

What ideas have you read about that you would like to see given a chance?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Roots of Philosophy

When you really step back and think about what philosophy is at it's core it could be said philosophy is a dichotomy of thought into what is and what should be. Commonly called descriptive and normative components. Descriptive is merely how you consider what is, how it is, why it is, understanding your perspective or expressing it in an effort to better know something. While normative is more of a thought experiment on what could be, how it could be, why it should be, and so forth. The normative is all about theory usually in an effort to invoke change of some kind usually using logical support in the process.

 Though you may not realize it philosophy guides a great part of your every day life in the background. Furthermore philosophy is behind a lot of great science, in particular a great and common question is merely how do we know what we know and how can we prove it. That right there is a great foundation for science. The scientific method is a powerful tool we use when finding truth and determining the why of things. We propose a theory and test it studying and analyzing the results as objectively as possible. Though that is far from the only method we have it is a great example on how philosophy is more than just thought it is a source of wisdom and a method of understanding the world and everything in it with practical uses and results. Actually that breaks right down into metaphysics which is determining what there is, and epistemology which is how we know.

While you could describe the previously mentioned part of philosophy as an objective thought of what is the next part is almost purely subjective. The questions of what is right and wrong or morals are entirely determined by social construct and the individual. Beauty is also not an intrinsic value and is also purely subjective. Yet without philosophy guiding us on how to contemplate why something is beautiful at the time or what should be considered right and wrong we wouldn't have these social constructs nor would we have things like politics to create rules we agree to live by based on what we think is right or wrong. The important thing to remember in that last part is that the rules only apply as long as we agree to be bound by them.

The interesting thing about political philosophy though is that it's not as subjective as morality or beauty and instead encourages the thinker to consider it without personal investment. The concept is to consider how society should be structured without knowing how you'll fit in or if you'll even be a part of it. Try to consider how not only individuals should be treated but how groups should be treated as well and consider then how rules might change based on decisions among many. For example how while it might be okay for an individual to do something but if a lot of people do it then it's a problem, or if an organization does it how it might subjugate the individuals. Next time you're watching a political show I challenge you to consider the philosophical concepts behind what you're observing and determine if you truly agree with them or if you were only agreeing with them based on how they were presented. One of the worst parts of politics today is the depths of deception they go through to get you to agree with them even if it's against your personal interest or against the interest of the common good. As always I hope this helps you see the world just a little bit differently from now on.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Upcoming Tech - part 3

Some of this undoubtedly seems wild and yet if you can wrap you head around the idea you can clearly see how it's not impossible which suggests that it will likely become a reality at some point in the future.

Think about a heavily researched idea we're contemplating right now called flat space. The idea being we can compress entire objects down to the 2nd dimension and then transport them. At first you might think about some future where you put your car in your wallet or something however first we'd need to find a proper method for manipulating the higgs field first otherwise that car will still weigh the same regardless of size. Just because it's flat doesn't mean it suddenly weighs less we're merely removing the empty space in the object along one dimension. The more practical use for this though is space travel. By compressing vast amounts of free space in front of us into flat space. Then decompressing them after we've moved past the compressed area. The end result is traveling extreme distances almost instantly without actually traveling any faster.

One of the most awesome pieces of tech in the near future is early quantum computers. Once we find a way to slightly isolate them from themselves, so their future computations don't travel back in time or vice versa thereby altering their states and destroying the process, thereby making them functional we will have astounding leaps in computational power. The interesting power of a quantum computer is that rather than the simple two state bits of today in silicone computers quantum state computers work with 4 states. Namely they work with yes, no, maybe, and both, which is to say rather than just 0 or 1 it can be both it can be either and it can be neither. It's hard to measure how much of an immediate increase this will yield but if I had to estimate I'd say if you're still measuring in hertz "hz" while today we float around 4ghz the quantum computers we're making right now once we get them properly functional will have a processor rate hundreds of thousands of times as fast. We'd be starting in the tera hertz range if not peta hertz. Though I wouldn't call it likely it might even be slightly possible for an exa hertz beyond that. The reason why is that with these multiple states each are that would normally represent a single bit can exist in multiple states at once making it supremely effective at multitasking. While the processor in this case would be working on one problem it would also be working on several others at the same time without having to finish one first before moving on unlike right now where the processor moves from task to task, I'll be it very rapidly but all the same only one smaller task at a time. While it may break up larger tasks into smaller ones and multiple cores handle different parts at the same time the underlying mechanism of bits can only exist in one state at a time switching from on to off or from 1 to 0 and back and can never be both and can only be one or the other. With a quantum state processor you're looking at a minimum magnitude gain of 4^4 or 256x current processing power and that's a very low ball number. Realistically I see gains more likely in the range of 512x to 1024x current processing power. The sad truth of the matter is though that once we do manage to harness this tech we'll have almost no idea what to do with it. We're looking at rebuilding everything we know about computers from the ground up. For starters it's likely no currently existing program will be able to run on this new tech, there won't be much of an operating system until one is built with these multiple states in mind and none of the programming languages will work either you'll have to rebuild them all as well.

Hopefully the new foundation used to build these quantum computers will translate well in the further distant future when we enter the wild frontier of organic computing. Theoretical estimates of this idea suggest the computational power of organic computers will be in the magnitude of 8^27 current processing power. If you can't quite understand the number I'll break it down into simple 3rd grade math for you. 8 to the 27th power is 8*8 or 8x8 27 times, 8 times 8 times 8 times 8 etc. This is a very large number but I'll break it down in steps.
(beyond this point I'll insert commas every 3rd number to denominate hundres, thousands, millions, etc)
(now we assume the previous number times 8 is the next number in the list)

Yes you read that right the final number in full form for 8^27 is 2417851639229258349412352x current processing power.

Simply put it will be impossible for any human to ever fully utilize this awesome power with traditional interface methods or programming ideals. The future will be built on direct thought interpretations likely non invasive reading and understanding of what the user wants. You will speak with your computer as though it were a person and it will understand you. The likely truth though is you won't need to as it will probably know what you're going to say before you do. It will be able to construct with complete precision anything you can request in a digital form, your thoughts will come to life around you in this future world. Meanwhile it will be contemplating things far beyond your comprehension and devising solutions to any problem you can imagine. The massive amount of code necessary will likely be a wild amalgamation of what it creates for itself from the foundation work we lay in the process of quantum computing. In the end with all this raw power the sad truth will still be we'll have intergalactic teleportation before we have flying cars.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Natural Enablers of Time Travel

A slight oversight on my part I appear to have neglected to mention the details of your natural states. The very reason why time travel is even possible is relatively simple actually. Your atoms don't like being in only one place at a time. Fairly well accepted at this time however less known is the quantum leap. One theory explaining the movement of electrons describes the idea and the principal also applies here. Time travel can really be said to boil down to a mass synchronization of quantum leaps across all your atoms and the resulting emissions produce a field or bubble around this large group of synchronized  atoms which is primarily what's responsible for breaking your quantum entanglements if only for a moment. This frees you up to change your quantum states. The emitted bubble is really a kind of interference pattern really that cancels out almost everything holding you in time and space allowing you to slip through everything at once.

The real challenge comes when you try to control your movements while in this state. In particular it's important to note you have no real point of reference anymore. The first couple jumps thankfully are usually enough to learn what you're doing as I mentioned before that your first jump is like trying to break a steel chain. This means you're bound to wind up almost right where you left or at least nearby. After a while when you start to get the hang of it you can start trying to control the directions you're moving in or locking in specific quantum states resulting in tying yourself to a given point in time and once you have some entanglements your states will change with the states of what you're attached to which resumes your forward movement through time.

Thankfully new research in the distant future has helped me gain a better understanding of what and how I do what I do. I've learned a lot in a comparatively short timeframe. For example it runs contrary to their previously held beliefs in that entanglements and states were the key to time travel and that making them and altering them was the answer rather than breaking those bonds. Which I find interesting considering their own research had already proven the more entanglements and states the more stable something is. Which is to say if I left things alone but formed many much stronger bonds to a different time those wouldn't pull me back to that time rather they'd help anchor me in place limiting my potential movements though it could possibly stop my progress through time which is an interesting concept. You'd think the logical thing from that point would be that if more bonds make it harder to travel the fewer bonds would make it easier. Perhaps we lost some common sense along the way. I'd also take this moment to point out you can have many entanglements in many ways some with different properties and that there's no limit on the number of entanglements a given particle can have, at least not that I've found so far. Which does bring an interesting question into play because I'd previously thought entanglements behaved in a certain way when if fact they behave in very strange ways. Though one might behave relative to another in a certain way it may not behave the same with a 2nd or 3rd entanglement or with any subsequent entanglements for that matter and it would appear there's a relatively limited chain reaction. That is to say if I hooked up a series of entanglements changing one end might not change the other end only one or two degrees of separation in rather than all. Even looping them together into a circle changing one still doesn't have a noticeable change on all associations even directly to that one. So for example if I alter the central particle tied to 8 or so others perhaps only 6 of them will react accordingly rather than the expected 8. That's direct connections as in one degree of separation or less. Interestingly enough though the more you connect the more reliable this can become. A majority rule if you will dominates group behaviors even if all the members of that group are not in agreement. Which can cause them to behave contrary to what's expected given their current state though this appears only to be true of larger groups of entanglements.

I'm wildly fascinated by how they've managed to prove most of this and yet somehow still can't replicate it without a subject like myself. From what I've learned though I've make huge strides in controlling exactly where and when I land and minimizing the negative effects. I've also been able to transport somewhat more complex objects though nothing larger than myself as of yet. I like this new found control over the world I inhabit though, I'm beginning to see the probabilities and likely futures without having to actually travel, it's like I'm inhabiting all the nearby times in multiple states of past present and future. For fun I decided to give it a serious test and went to a casino. I got black booked in a hurry even though they couldn't determine how I'd managed to cheat them at roulette, craps, and slot machines while they were there watching me. I would just walk around pick a winner and play it and it drove them insane. I then tried something a bit further in scope of timeline and tried poker which also proved very fruitful though that was at a different establishment. I then went back in time and had fun with their security by telling them where all the predictable winners were and said they were being cheated. Turns out this works a lot better than winning the lottery every day and carries much less attention, and due to my unique abilities I'm also no longer black booked either. I see some very entertaining days ahead.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ties That Bind

Previously I mentioned how every atom in your body has a quantum state which for the purpose of time travel functions like a timestamp. Depending on it's current state you can tell what moment it is and if you can change that state you can move through time. The thing is to keep your consciousness while doing so rather than simply changing everything in time completely you have to isolate yourself. Failing to do so simply will put you in the time you changed it to but with such perfection that everything associated has also changed including everything you know. So that would make it kind of hard for you to know if you ever actually did time travel. Not to mention you're inhabiting yourself as you were rather than the goal which is to inhabit yourself somewhere else parallel to where you were. The answer to this of course is to break your quantum entanglements.

If you're unfamiliar basically quantum entanglements is like particle associations. Different atoms that are linked together across time and space and changes in one are also changes in the other. However by breaking that bond you're free to move about in a wild number of ways. The important thing to remember is that when you're done moving about all of your atoms are desperately trying to link up with their partners often in the absence of those  or a continued dislinkage they will then try to find new partners. This is essentially what I am talking about when I mention your anchors. The strength of your bonds with a specific place and time.

The more often you break these bonds the quicker they are to try and establish new links and really you can never break all your bonds. You can however break the majority of them to the point that you become free to move about. The problem with all of these bonds being broken and reformed is you get spread all over the place with all kinds of bonds everywhere. This is what I describe as becoming unstuck. Eventually you have stronger ties elsewhere than wherever you currently are or are spread so thin you have hardly any links anywhere and yet a little everywhere.

If you break these bonds on a regular basis though an interesting thing happens. While it is true you start making new connections faster and they can be pretty strong in a hurry they do eventually break down and become prone to sudden snaps. Basically they'll unlink themselves for no apparent reason. This is also a similar form of becoming unstuck but it's rather quite different. It's a new experience for me and I must say I do prefer this form of being unstuck in comparison to the other. You can think of the ties like string. When you make your first jump it's like trying to break a steel chain. Then beyond that as you do it more often it's like cutting through a thick string or even duct tape. The new bonds that start to form in a hurry can range anywhere from silk sewing thread to industrial braided rope. The unfortunate problem I'm getting at though is after a while regardless of how thick it may be it has a low tensile strength and will snap at the slightest pull.

I happened upon this stunning revelation in my kitchen which as we've already established is becoming quite the hub of time traveling activities and abnormalities. I turned around from my counter with some food and took a step forward only I fell straight through the floor. For a moment I thought I was a ghost. Honestly I can't say I'd ever gone through solid objects before at least not in any deliberate manner and certainly not while in a fixed state, meaning never while I wasn't time traveling. Though I had perhaps one vaguely close scenario when I stopped time one time I found a wood table that when I applied pressure to it it would mold like a very viscous liquid. Though even still that's not exactly moving through a solid object. I'm not entirely clear on what happened after falling through the floor it was almost like falling through an aperture science portal I suppose, I fell straight through to a different location and time and wasn't really harmed thankfully. Had I not been transported I certainly would've landed on my futon anyway so it wouldn't have been so bad. Still I will admit it has me worried simply because I know very little of this newer form of unstuck and it has absolutely no warning signals. Thankfully it also has no after effects it's very smooth. It's a very gentle falling feeling with a slight hint of weightlessness then it's like everything just comes into focus all of a sudden like you're coming to a quick stop at the end of a long narrow tunnel.

Though I worry more about what would happen if I didn't go all the way through, what if I reconstitute while my leg is half way through the floor. For the record this isn't just some weird localized space anomaly nor is it consistent in space or time. I tried going back in time and repeating it only to fail, and I've tried several dozen times in the same location to repeat it. This does lead me to question of course if it did happen though I'm quite sure it did for the time being. Either way I look forward to finding out more, perhaps my friends in the future will know more.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Upcoming Tech - part 2

It may be early for a follow up on the subject but there's really such a wealth of ideas out there already. In particular I remember investing a few years back with a company developing flexible OLED displays. They even had prototypes that could roll up into a small baton that had a small 1ghz proc, wifi, and a decent battery life. They weren't good for much other than youtube and the news at the time but they've come a way since then.

Then there's the newer developments in agriculture that have been amazing me lately. Fitting an entire field of crops in a relatively small barn by utilizing the third dimension. I'd heard the concept before a long time ago about having a central light in the middle of a cylinder that spins growing the crops while also watering them and helping strengthen the root systems resulting in better crops overall. Though apparently recent modifications to the idea have yielded dramatic improvements making it very effective now. Some of these I would probably attribute to energy efficient lights with longer life spans and the improvements to hydroponic soils and chemicals. Speaking of which hydroponics as a field all to themselves have also had amazing results. I've been seeing some crops like corn being grown without the need for massive fields, space, and giant stalks instead having ridiculous results with hanging hydro systems you can grow nearly 30x the amount of corn in the same space. I'm also really satisfied with the newer developments in "GM" plants GM standing for genetically modified. I'll be the first to jump on that and tell you I have no problems with them and actually trust them a bit more than traditional plants, especially now that we don't have to drown them in chemicals just to keep super bugs away from them. I also have yet to see a single scientific study linking them to the insane stuff going on with kids these days like being giants or early puberty. In fact from what I've read so far on the subject it's most likely attributed to natural evolution.

Then there's the new cow meat they've synthesized. Basically they've found a way to grow beef in a pan without a living host cow. I won't jump on that and say I prefer it right away because I haven't read up on long term exposure or anything yet but preliminary information suggests it's likely just as safe if not more so than regular beef. I for one will be happy when we don't have to waste so many resources on growing cows then slaughtering them the way we do, not to mention the horrible living conditions. For those of you unaware of where your beef is coming from or the process used to get it to you I highly recommend a day on google reading all about it, it'll make you look at your hamburger before you eat it next time. I'm perfectly content with it for now but that's not to say I like it, and being able to rapidly grow the same meat in a pan without all the associated mess will make me very happy assuming that eating it or feeding it to kids won't have substantial negative effects.

I see a future of abundance ahead of us and I question what that will really do to the so called economy. If you're relatively new to me or my blog I might save you some time reading back by letting you know I think the entire monetary system is severely outdated and reaching it's maximum theoretical capacity. It's extremely prone to corruption, manipulation, and all sorts of nefarious things the least of which is the cold hard truth that most if not all money around the world no matter the type is a form of debt slavery. While I've read various alternatives and theoretical revisions I can't say I see many viable replacements. I also find it interesting that no form of currency takes into account population merely it's relative value to itself based on how much is in circulation or in some rare cases based on an asset like gold. Moving forward though and back on topic to the future of technology I would say housing is next in line. If you're interested and want to know more I suggest reading some of my past blogs as well as a visit to sites like prison planet and the zeitgeist movement.

As to the future of housing I've been reading on new construction materials I find fascinating. Wireless electricity which while it was invented ages ago never really came into fruition and now that we're trying at it again we're not even as good at it as we were a century ago. Sitting at an insanely low 63% last time I checked compared to the nearly 87% we had when we first invented it. Though to the credit of researchers when we first invented it I will admit it was dangerous to all living things. Early on wireless electricity operated on the 5hz or 5ghz frequency I can't remember which is the same natural frequency most living things operate on and so wireless electricity would eventually disrupt that process and had all kinds of harmful effects. Newer wireless electricity is much safer and all we have to do is bring it up to the 99% efficiency we have now with traditional wired electricity.

Then there's graphene which apparently is the new strongest substance we can make and it's remarkably cheap as well. Though I haven't read anything about how it reacts with sound which is something I'm quite interested in. You probably wouldn't make an entire house out of it but I could see it's uses in replacing steel beams for primary support structures. This is also aside from the many other potential uses it has of course. I'm also interested in it's trasparency if any on a side note.

I've also been reading about new energy alternatives in particular a new kind of glass they're considering using for windows. This new glass in theory will help keep the house at the same temperature by determining the amount of light to let in while also converting some of the light into energy and reflecting the rest to possibly be used by other similar windows based on need. Supposedly this would also be useable as a display glass like most other materials in the "house of the future". Similarly I've seen some of the smallest scale nano-processors we have and what they can do when in proximity to each other. Namely a recently revealed prototype was submerged in a quick drying liquid then painted on a surface and provided an electrical current that  then allowed it to be used similar to display glass using a radio frequency similar to wifi internet as a means of information transfer allowing it to play a small video though somewhat incomplete. Regardless of how successful it was, which I must say in spite of it's shortcomings was a wild success, I would say I see a huge future for this kind of thing. Then there's furniture and this one actually has me the most excited. I've been reading about a solenoid which in theory could seriously change the world. Regardless of it's near infinite uses the idea came about from furniture. This material which in the presence of electricity slightly liquifies only enough to become malleable. Then when you shut off the flow of electricity it becomes hard enough to jump on. It also even when somewhat malleable still has enough resistance so that it won't be coming off on your hands which means you could do all kinds of interesting things with it. The concept goes further into wild theory that you could in the far future with various other advancements get it to a point so when you walk into a room like a hotel or your living room simply think of an object and it could conform to it for you. I wouldn't mind being able to without even looking go to flop down and have a couch appear beneath me, that would be awesome. So far though all we have is a solenoid with lots of potential. Though as of yet I haven't seen anything as large as a chair only smaller objects and nothing too complex as  if it gets too thin apparently it just completely liquifies. I also see the dark side of how this stuff could become the liquid terminator in T2 Judgement Day...

So yeah lots of great ideas and more to come. Stay tuned for part 3 which who knows when I'll post it, I probably still have more than enough material but I prefer to read up on it a bit first rather than just going crazy. Because honestly I have some great ideas on what the future could look like with our tech, and some of it I already know, but who knows how that could change the future if I told you all now?...

Monday, January 14, 2013

My Favorite Books

I don't really have just one favorite but out of everything I've read there are a few that immediately come to mind as exceptional. Today I make you a list that if you want to read what I've read should take you most of the year and will leave you with a whole new way of looking at the world by 2014.

Practical knowledge books:
     The Colossal book of Mathematics
 The mathematics of Money
Sun Tzu - The art of war
Hagakure the book of the samurai
 Harvey Cohn - Advanced Number Theory
network associates? - Introduction to cryptography
Department of the Army - first aid for soldiers
The thinking mans thesaurus
Benjamin Crowell - series on introductory physics
Bo Thide - electromagnetic field theory
Frank M White - fluid mechanics
handbook of applied cryptography
Herbert Neff - introductory electromagnetics

Devious books:
      every Anarchist Cookbook ever printed, though I do believe they are illegal in the United States just a warning, but my fellow readers in the UK shouldn't have a problem as far as I know.
The Trinity guide to hacking programs
KeyGen Useful Breakpoints
A Hackers Guide to protecting your internet and network
Metasploit testers guide
 Firewalls and Networks, gaining access to remote computers
hackers black book, desk reference, and handbook
secrets of lock picking
the art of lock picking
the inctek guide to street anarchy
vortex's cookbook (2004 edition)
abbie hoffman - steal this book
ozymandias sabotage skills
the big book of mischief
Combat Net Radio Operations
NSA employee manual
CIA book of dirty tricks, psych ops in guerrilla warfare,
US Army - communications jamming

Kenneth G and Tetsuo Takagaki guide to learning Hiragana and Katakana
the extreme searchers internet handbook
 visual c++ for dummies v6 or later
how to instantly connect with anyone
bartenders reference
14,000 drinks and how to make them
top secret recipes
365 foreign dishes
prize winning recipes
ultimate grilling guide
click to cook
284 rice recipes
the complete slow cooker cookbook essential recipes
big book of NLP
Michel Thomas - the future of learning

     Grimm's fairytales
Ayn Rand -Atlas Shrugged, and for the new intellectual
Michael Crichton - Andromeda Strain, and Timeline
Jules Verne - The underground city
James Joyce - Ulysses
Unknown? - The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius
Harper Lee - To kill a mocking bird
George Orwell - 1984
Chuck Palahniuk - Fight Club
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse Five
Isaac Asimov - Bicentential Man, The Fun They Had, The Foundation trilogy, Feeling of Power, and all the Nebula Stories
Orson Scott Card - Atlantis
Arthur C Clarke - the four Odyssey stories 2001, 2010, 2061, 3001
Frank Herbert - Dune
Aldous Huxley - Brave new world
H.G.Wells - Time Machine (you knew it was coming), Invisible man, and War of the Worlds
John Wyndham - Day of the Triffids
CJ Cherryh - Cyteen Trilogy
Philli K Dick - Scanner Darkly
Homer - The Illiad, and The Odyssey
Robert A Heinlein - a comedy of justice, all you zombies, citizen of the galaxy, requiem, and Sixth Column

     Aristotle -  metaphysics, dreams, generation and corruption, memory and reminiscence, sense and sensibility, the soul, youth and old age, physics, poetics, posterior analytics, rhetoric
Rene Descartes - Mediations on first philosophy, and Truth in Sciences
Dante's - Inferno, purgatory, paradise
Confucius - analects, doctrine of the mean, and Great Learning
Albert Pike - morals and dogma
Unknown? - Does time really exist, and Why the future doesn't need us
 Zaine Ridling - philosophy then and now
Plato - Crito, Laws, Republic, Timaeus

     Karl Marx - the communist manifesto
 my physics folder is enormous and they all just blur together after a while but they've all helped shape how I look at the world, though I suppose two titles actually stick out as exceptionally well written and memorable, namely fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics, and computational methods for fluid dynamics
 Einstein - Relativity the special and general theory, the world as I see it, and physics of illusion
Richard Feynman - the meaning of it all
Erik Nanstiel - a new hypothesis on the mechanism for gravity ( aka the graviton theory, definitely worth reading next to any book on the higgs boson field)

On a side note my favorite recently released book that I've been reading repeatedly the last few months is the Theoretical limits of ranging algorithms on Ultra Wideband Positioning Systems. Which is basically an advanced look at how internet providers are going to establish a new nation wide wifi using the old TV broadcasting frequencies and what the possible capabilities and limits are of the system. It's so exciting.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Upcoming Tech - part 1

There's a lot of tech coming in the near future and there's no telling how it will change our lives. There's a heavy shift toward the augmented reality which I must say I approve of though many you may be completely unaware of the ground shifting beneath your feet. Imagine if you will real life HUD's that display tons of information on a constant basis and have information about everything you're looking at all the time. This small concept is one of the things already shaping your future and you don't have to be a time traveler to know it. I've seen some of the tech they already have up and running for basic tests or proof of concepts and it's amazing. Knowing the exact details of every product and the details of chemicals used in production and how it might effect the end product, information about the production company and their policies or outstanding issues I should probably be aware of but sadly am not in all likelihood. Getting GPS directions slight night vision contrast on the road and the lines in it as well as keeping me informed of my current speed and fuel without looking away from the road. Getting information of the song currently playing or estimating miles per gallon or any other number of useful pieces of information.

Really I can't see a downside to the augmented reality other than perhaps information overload or the already problematic personal privacy being more apparent. Though even so I would imagine it would be easy to adjust for these things. This isn't the only tech here today though this isn't that kind of flimsy post. Next up on our plate today is invisibility. We already have plenty of tricks to fool cameras into not seeing people but now we've gone a step further and have made it so you actually can see around or through people depending on how you want to define it. I remember a few years ago reading about how some college group had turned a soda can invisible, but now I'm reading how the military is making some early prototype cloaks that remind me of the spider camo in MGS3 where you're about 80% or more cloaked running around and you're just barely distorting the image, perhaps a bit more than predator. I look forward to our future in clothing I tell you. It would be nice to have that ability sometimes and it would be awesome to rather than just go invisible you could potentially change the color of whatever you're wearing at the time to any color you want. Introducing Octo-Camo like MGS4. Combine this with augmented reality and we've got a wild future ahead of us.

Then there's the new Ultra Wideband Systems that are starting to come online for early testing. Basically the internet providers you're familiar with already are making a new nation wide wifi system using the old TV broadcasting frequencies. If you're not already aware of this they bought out the rights to specific frequencies a couple years ago from the FCC and the government and have been working on this ever since. If you're a particularly talented engineer you can already pick up their signals if you know what to look for. The data itself is relatively useless so far it's not a very stable internet connection but are you really going to argue with free internet? Once they get this system up and running only chumps will be paying for internet ever again. I for one will find my way into their systems and never pay for the net again. Let them try and encrypt signals and lock me out any way they can in the end they can't stop broadcasting so there's always a way in.

There's a lot more tech to cover but this should keep you busy for the day. In particular I recommend reading the cambridge journal on ultra wideband positioning systems, and their theoretical limits, ranging algorithms, and protocols.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Failed Plan - Why to stay hidden

You wouldn't know it now, but over the last couple weeks which is in the future from now I bought winning tickets for almost every lottery I could find. After the news caught on and the government found out I had quite the nightmare on my hand. Apparently the government is actively against time travel for some reason. They didn't believe me at first but after I won all the lotteries they got pretty angry.

I didn't stick around to find out where it was all going but I'd bet it didn't end well for me and I probably didn't get my money either. Clearly I should stick to stocks and smaller less public gambling.

Moving on to better things I also took a trip to the far future. I have seen the birth and death of stars and it's beyond magnificent. Having seen the future of astronomy and science I'm fascinated in how we got there and will soon be taking another trip to each major advancement to see how it came about. Then I'll be looking in to taking a trip to the super galaxy home of our first contact with other intelligent life. I've been told they're an interesting life form made primarily of silicon and some gas I forgot the name of. I would also say that the future is friendly to time travelers like me though they do keep track of us and there aren't as many as I'd thought which is somewhat sad. A lot has changed as well and you practically need an AI to translate down to my level which thankfully they've perfected. The future is just so far from what I'd imagined it would be. I'd seen some of the future before but I hadn't gone this far and it's worth the trip.

I also find it interesting that in spite of the advancement of tech they've made they still can't master time travel from a scientific point. They perfectly understand all the principals and details yet somehow can't find a way to manipulate them. Though I think that may be the problem. its that you're not manipulating them so much as aligning them or letting them manipulate you. Something which I thought I'd mentioned before. It's actually quite humorous that they can control black holes, and basically teleport anywhere in the known universe yet can't figure this out. If you don't see the humor I should inform you that a black hole has some serious power over time and space and that the ability to manipulate one should more than allow you to control time to at least some degree.

Last important point to mention is that we did finally synthesize immortality and death is entirely voluntary, or by accident, and in a few rare remaining cases disease. A concept I'd thought of before and the first time it would happen under that context seemed novel but I jumped so far ahead that it just became a normal and accepted thing and not at all uncommon. On one remaining side note I will say it appears I'm blogging in a weird order. I see blogs I wrote in the future and didn't write yet meaning some version of me is coming back before the current version of me which of course makes things interesting. This is mostly because I was coming back in sequence before where whenever I came back it was the same as when I'd left more or less resuming like a paused movie and now I'm coming back at different times. Though I think that's more my fault than anything I just have to focus harder on returning to exactly where I left. We'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Personality Type

By now many of you have heard of the MBTI personality type and test. For those of you that haven't a quick google search will get you the basics. Sometimes it's nice to just clarify things and get rid of confusion. As you may have already guessed I'm an ENTJ type, though I understand if you thought I was ENTP I was just as surprised. So what does it really mean? It means I'm an extrovert by nature with an emphasis on intuition and intelligence, I prefer logic and reason over feelings.

Having read quite a bit on it as of late I'm a bit unsure of the actual results though. While it's true I'm comfortable in a crowd and have no problems with public speaking, dare I say I'm even good at it, that doesn't mean it's a preference. While I know how to take control and am good at it I actually prefer not to have the responsibility. I wait to see if anyone else steps forward first and failing that I'll volunteer myself because at that point I know it's the best option. ENTJ's are supposedly natural leaders, but I would think that comes with some compulsion to lead, and my only compulsion to lead really is in the absence of leadership.

Though honestly having taken several different tests and ending up with the same result, and having read the associated information of all types it's strangely odd how accurate it really is and how reading the others I know they're clearly not my type. It's not like horoscopes where anything they say can fit anyone and you can just pick and choose like "oh that sounds like me" no this really is one of those things where when you realize that's your type you also realize in reading the others you can't be any other type.

Now that I've become familiar with the ideas though I feel much better for it, it's really helped put things in perspective. Furthermore it's helped my plans along and given me ideas on how to handle certain things I'd been considering recently. While it's by no means life changing I must say that it helps smooth things over really as though I'd had some conflict I hadn't realized existed until after it was resolved. Looking forward I see a lot of uses for the information I've gained least of which is a new lens to look at the world through to help shape my perspective and perception of the world and how I analyze it.

If you haven't found out by now what type you are I highly recommend it even if only just for fun. The test is relatively short and simple and there are some free versions available online.

To anybody reading who's been on the site for some time or read some of the back log you may remember a friend who went missing a while back. He's turned up alive in a hospital a few states away with some severe amnesia and massive injuries all over his body. It's nice to know he's alive but I'm very curious to find out where he's been all these months and whether or not it had anything to do with his paranoia over "the slender man".

Sunday, January 6, 2013


First and foremost it's important to know karma is not so simply described as do good things and good things will happen to you or vice versa bad things.  Though in that standard description there are a few subtle elements of truth. First off karma is entirely action based, it doesn't matter why you do what you do, merely what you've done in itself. So murder even in self defense is still murder and thus so are the consequences. Even rewards are consequences, keep in mind that a consequence is not inherently bad it's merely the result. Next is that deeds do not erase or override other deeds there isn't some overall balance in play, each deed runs separately. Furthermore if you could so easily separate deeds by good and bad, then for example bad deeds do have an expiration, it's not as though it will follow you to the end of days.

Another widely held misconception is that somehow the world is conspiring or the universe is adjusting based on your deeds to deal out the consequences of your actions. The truth is merely that you are the sole proprietor of your rewards or punishments if you would dare to separate them as such.

Though some Hindu beliefs do contradict this, it's important to remember that karma is not native nor exclusive to Hinduism. In particular they do believe in a just and fair deity that is responsible for your karma, and while specific actions have specific consequences they also adjust a secondary overall balance of karma which can determine a baseline for your life, in particular when being re-incarnated.

I suppose most of the confusion on the subject does come from the many forms or ideas of the concept that are present in the world. For example the Buddhists do believe your actions are very separated into both good and evil but the consequences are exclusive to that which draws you closer to nirvana or keeps you stuck here on earth in the cycle of re-birth. Then there's Jainism which is where people get the idea the world is changing based on your actions. This is because Jainism would have you believe karma is a field that pervades the universe and the particles are attracted to soul fields and the stronger your field the more particles are attracted to you. This overall balance of particles and the strength of your field determine the world you live in. Furthermore it also states that karma is not just action based but also thought based which is a major difference to consider as it's the only form to do so.

So with all these different versions of karma to consider, what's really universal, what can you say is true of karma across the board. The answer is that you reap what you sow, in this life, and possibly more.

Really though you shouldn't have to rely on some sense of spirituality to do the right thing, or as a fearful reason to not do what you want or would enjoy. In the end it's up to you to determine what's acceptable to you. Come what may I will do as I please and I do not fear the consequences because I am safe in my knowledge that I have done what I thought was right regardless.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Changing Reality

Altering reality much like altering timelines does not come without unforeseen consequences.Even the slightest adjustments have far reaching effects. I've elaborated before on how the right answer is only right if the steps taken to arrive at that answer were also right. Let's imagine then a world where the right answer don't have to come from procedure and order yet rather as long as the final answer is right then nothing else matters. Perhaps an extreme of "the ends justify the means" as it were.

That's actually a rather big change, fairly drastic. Somewhere in the 10 dimensions it probably exists too which is almost scary to consider. Let's say you have a djinn though and it has the power to literally change reality to your whim, how would you change it? It wouldn't even have to stab you in the back you're going to do it to yourself with this one. Assuming the entire universe doesn't suddenly collapse as it's likely to happen with a sudden change in it's very foundation. I would imagine giving the power of creation to everyone. While it's arguable that reality is already subjective and thus we all have that power, it's not something we're well connected to and I would change that. Just imagine all the new chaos that this would bring. Remember also that you're now in a world where as long as the end result is correct, whatever that may be, then it doesn't matter how you get there. 1,2, skip a few, 99, 1000 ducks building a beaver damn, it doesn't matter. Any change in the rules of reality will completely destabilize it, you'd have to make your changes very specific like a few extra items rather than altering the way mathematics work out.

Though for some of you it might be changing the way biology works so that all life is eternal. Imagine the great suffering that could come with that. Really it's hard to find the words to explain, it's simply a matter on the edges of current human comprehension. There isn't much you could change in reality that couldn't be done by finding the appropriate timeline or adjusting an existing one. The most shocking truth though is that every moment of every day you are changing reality, and you are creating and destroying entire timelines and contributing to the creation and destruction of many others. The only question is whether or not you actively realize it, because in truth there isn't much controlling it and you certainly can't stop it, even removing yourself from the equation changes it. So try to appreciate your awesome powers and see for yourself how much power you really have, it's more than you realize.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Just a thought, maybe I've got no clue what I'm talking about, but based on what I know of magnetic fields and the recently discovered monopoles I'm curious as to why the concept hasn't been presented before to my knowledge. Before you jump to "free point energy" I'm familiar with the concept however I'm not so sure it's the same thing I'm thinking of. What I'm considering is active repulsion from a natural point rather then manipulating standard fields into acting differently. So for example we know traditional magnets, and electro magnets attract certain metals, and we also know some of the strongest electromagnets can have unusual effects on even standard objects. Therefore what I'm considering is merely repelling those same objects rather than attracting.

I'm curious as to how it would be accomplished and what it's actual practical applications would be. Though obviously the first thing that comes to my mind would be weaponry, namely things like coil guns or railguns. Then transportation and down the line.

For those of you that don't know I'll also take this opportunity to inform you that have in fact finally discovered monopoles, which unlike traditional magnets which always have north and south and their strength is determined by alignment monopoles are simply one or the other entirely. Even electromagnets have north or south poles. So for those of you serious about "free energy" devices this is an exciting time to be living in. Why are they so special you might ask? We all tend to know that a north pole and a south pole attract while two north poles will repel or for that matter any similar magnetic fields repel while opposites attract. So if you have these monopoles next to each other they will try and push away and if you rig a series of them to push constantly it's easy to rig some kind of generator to it and transfer energy. Really there's a substantial number of uses for them and many methods that could then be implemented to have substantial energy output. If you're interested apparently they've been made from carbon nanotubes, which in my experience have the ability to be used for extremely powerful electromagnets.

I'm also curious how an opposing force like this would interact with traditional magnets and magnetism and if it would follow any similar rules we've come to understand. For example if you insulate a magnetic force it's amplified more so if the insulator is also a magnet. So for example if you double wrap your coils on an electromagnet each full wrap around amplifies the magnet that much more having compound effects. Would this also be true of anti magnetism?

Clearly I'll have to find a timeline where this exists and see what I can learn. While I'm at it I should also pick up the lottery numbers for this future, what do you think?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finding Answers

Well I finally understand where the bread came from. I made it myself in the future. Then I happen to accidentally come a tad unstuck and bounced back to the past for a minute, then into the future where of course the oven having been left on caught the house on fire then back to the past where I put the bread on the counter before being pulled back to where I started, prior to the fire. I'm also apparently leaving notes for myself now, I was wondering when I'd get around to doing that.

Putting the notes in order seems a bit difficult, I don't know yet why I didn't simply number them... That having been said I'm curious now what will happen given I know what I know now before I even knew it to begin with and thus avoid having to learn about it to begin with after having learned about it.

I hope you're as confused about it as I was at first. Though it all makes sense now even if I can't explain it properly as of yet. I congratulate myself today though for things I never did, both good and bad. Then I congratulate myself again for what I did do, how I did it, and that I didn't do it wrong, not to say I did it right, but if I'd done it wrong I'd be dead I would imagine, or horribly wishing I were.

I also learned a lot while I was away, and now I have to tell myself about it in the past because I'm now future me and this is the past, and now "you" / "I" know and understand a lot more we should've known sooner which is now, which makes me wonder why I didn't get the message if I'm delivering it now? Welcome to new timeline past me. If I run in to you I'll be sure to say hello, just don't stab me again.

So I wake up and the ^above was written in my post section. A very convincing joke to whoever used my account last night but I'm sure my access logs will tell me more than you thought they would. Furthermore I never stabbed any version of myself as of yet so I don't even know what you're talking about. Though erring on the side of caution thanks for telling me those few things and I do hope we meet some time if you are in fact me.

Signs of coming unstuck.

This is possibly the most important blog I can write right now. For any and all fellow travelers. I've talked about coming unstuck and some symptoms, though I've neglected I believe to mention the early signs that you are coming unstuck. First you don't feel tired at all, you find yourself awake for days on end. Then you start to realize how you're seriously loosing track of time, and gaps just start disappearing. You'll look at the clock and it's one minute, then you look back and it's 5 minutes later. You can brush it off at first but when your seconds of looking between the same clock are suddenly shifting by hours you'll know it's coming. Perhaps you'll look at your computer clock and it's 11:58pm and not even 30 seconds later it's suddenly 12:02. Then a few days later after you realize you're not tired and haven't slept in days you look again and it's perhaps 5pm on the dot, and just to be sure you look again and suddenly it's 9pm. People around you might mention sudden disappearances, almost ghost or ninja like, just vanishing in thin air. Some of them might even go a little insane if they see it happen right in front of them as you blip out of existence.

Remember that during this time, when you realize it, it's not too late. The important thing is to stay calm, stay in one place as much as possible, highly recommend beds, and try to ground yourself. Sadly it's backhanded but I have to say you should probably eat, and the downside is if it doesn't work and you do come unstuck you're going to be exceptionally sick so try to stick with juices, v8 fusion tends to work well for me.

The reason I'm really writing this now, is I've been trying to ground myself again after I noticed it was happening again, I've come unstuck before, and I'm losing track of time again. It's been days since I slept and I'm starting to miss minutes but it all seems like it's only a few hours. As if time is what sped up and my mind is still processing all of the information at equal speeds. I suppose it's harder to explain than how I'm trying to. The best way I can put it is that I estimate I've been awake perhaps 6 hours, and yet I know 3 days have passed, and I can remember everything that happened in those 3 days, and yet while I'm experiencing those it's similar to how I travel the timelines except that rather than observing I'm actually experiencing. It's leading to two separate and overlapping experiences, like being in two places at once and experiencing both.

Given that, I'll likely be back soon, and yet it may be months or years. To you, it may be a day or two, for me who knows how long. I'm also reading up on theories of how the brain might adapt to experiencing prolonged life. With some theories suggesting we can live 1,000 years, and in some timelines that actually being true it's important to understand how the mind works and reacts to this new way of life. More importantly how an existing mind adapts rather than one raised under these conditions. It's going to take help from the future. So I'll have to stabilize myself first then give it a try.

One more thing, if I did break reality, I'm sorry, and thank you for the bread it was delicious.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Importance of Your Primary Timeline

It seems like months since I've written, I've learned so much in that time. It seems like it wasn't so long ago to you perhaps but really when it comes to time travel what doesn't? I'm beginning to understand the aging process and how it works. It's highly strange and nothing what I'd really anticipated and that's assuming that my current understanding is anywhere close to right.

From what I can tell you mostly age normally while you're traveling around. Though you need to come back to your primary present every once in a while to renew your anchors as they weaken their grip on you. That's when a strange this happens. After you return to the present it's like you adjust to the time and you become the appropriate age of the time. It's not in a weird metamorphosis though it's like a direct copy of the version of you at that time. It's fairly rejuvenating to say the least. Though you retain your knowledge which is also quite interesting given the nature of the transformation. From what I can tell it's only relative to the present. Thus traveling back to when you were a kid or when you're older doesn't transform you. Though I'm not entirely sure of that either as it does seem that you transform younger or older in those timelines as well, though perhaps at a diminished rate? I had a 3 year beard growth in less than 2 weeks in my primary future. Though it clearly works very fast in proximity to your appropriate timeline, perhaps 4 to 6 hours to fully recover to your current age. I was freaking out when all my hair seemed to fallout only to realize it was also disappearing afterward. Then I realized I looked exactly as I did when I left last time.

With so many recent stunning realizations I'm eager to get back out there and see what else there is to experiment with.