Saturday, March 24, 2012


Ignorance is not bliss, it's what gets people killed as quite often it's what you don't know about that will hurt you the most. This isn't a matter of knowledge is power, it's a matter of how an ignorant population makes decisions that are unequivocally bad for themselves and others that are overruled by popular voted of these fools. Being forced into subjugation though is beyond this post. When it comes down to it most people simply don't know they're at the bottom or even below average. Most people think they're above average even if they're at the VERY BOTTOM of the list. Quite obviously someone has to be at the bottom, so take a moment to really evaluate yourself. Public education has always been and likely always will be complete garbage, most if not all intelligent people I've ever known learned most of what they know on their own from outside resources not forced upon you by the "education system". That's not to say anything too negative about it, it's quite necessary and obviously put's us in a good starting position but it doesn't encourage individual thought or creativity. There's no room for error and you spend your entire time memorizing various things without focusing on understanding them.

I remember a teacher I had once that taught us about ships and different aspects of them. At the end of the week he challenged us to make a ship ourselves out of tinfoil and see which ship would hold the most bolts. I took in what he'd been teaching and combined it with other things I'd already learned and made curved edges that would trap air helping force the boat up more than just buoyancy would do by itself with surface tension. It might not have looked like a regular ship or anything like what the rest of the class made, various canoes and standard looking ships, but in the end I held up 3x as many bolts as the second place. I loved the experiment because it encouraged creative problem solving. He didn't say here's how to make a boat make it just like this and see what happens or who did it best, instead he said find a way to hold as many bolts above water as possible, here's some info I think you might find helpful. He was one of the few teachers that taught me to solve problems and create answers rather than recite answers to problems already solved before.

Down the road toward the end of high school I had a teacher that just knew how to explain things in a way I could understand perfectly. He had a way of engaging the entire class, it was the only class I'd had since 4th grade in which the students wanted to participate. One day he presented a problem to the class and I sat there knowing the answer and looking around only to notice I was the only one. Everyone else didn't get it, they simply accepted the problem as truth and correct. That was around the time I realized that clearly the schools had failed to teach the majority of people the relevant and necessary information to have a high functioning youth of tomorrow worth having. The problem was as follows.
If 1+1=3
and 2+2=3
then 1+1+2+2=6

I was invited to replace the teacher and explain to the class how the answer given was wrong. First and foremost the answer though technically right is wrong because the steps used to arrive at the answer were wrong. This is always true, that if the process used to get to an answer is wrong then the answer itself even if it would otherwise be right is also wrong. I added then that if the first two statements had been true then there was a lack of progression and likely then that any sum of variables would inevitably equal 3. Though if given that the numbers were variables  while ignoring that no to variables can have the same value then perhaps the answer could be somewhat right. Though breaking it down I showed it would likely be that the end answer would've instead been either 12 or 18 in all likelihood. I actually went on quite a tangent taking up the entire class without repeating myself on any particular section I clearly showed it was wrong in so many different ways, though I imagine it appeared as though I were simply hammering it in until you gave up but the truth is the truth and I was simply so shocked that nobody else had any clue that it was wrong.

I've only been further disappointed by the world over the time as I somehow landed in an english class in which the final test (this is college mind you) was a case of knowing the difference between there, their, and they're. I simply glanced at it filled in the circles and was done in less than 5 minutes getting a perfect score. I came back like 4 hours later after I realized I'd left my jacket or something in the class and I was visiting a friend at the dorms so it was right there. There was still half the class in there still working on the test. I later found out the second highest score in the class was a 76%. My faith in the world took a very serious hit that day. Trust in me when I tell you that if we don't find some way of better educating the masses not only more efficiently but more effectively, we will all pay for it in the end and as will every generation to come.

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