Thursday, June 21, 2012


It's easy to write the truth when it's your truth, or the subjective truth. Things as you see them are natural to convey without much thought, part of why many of the greatest lies are mostly truth. What is substantially harder to do though is observe let alone repeat the objective truth, the facts as they are completely and without without bias or subjective qualities. Yet even still as hard as that may be it's rarer to have them said. To clarify writing and saying are indeed not the same, just because I tell you something with words on a page is not the same as having truly told you. In this time of so much writing of all kinds it's unusual to actually hear someone tell you the truth, apparently it's just too difficult. Instead we cower behind our screens like they somehow protect us from reality. Often when this rare occasion occurs it falls on deaf ears or so it would seem as we're too busy to hear it and it simply gets lost in the ocean of ignorance drowning the world today.

I am no different or exempt from this as I too have ignored the truth when it stares me in the face. I however at least acknowledge it and face it in my own time. I realize only now that the truth can not wait or be waited on, it appears when and where it chooses and if you're not prepared for it you will be passed by. Being prepared and waiting are also very different though the efforts required for each are similar in nature.  I've known these things perhaps later than I should though at least I know them now which is in itself a large move in the right direction.

I've taken time recently due to recent events as you may have guessed to look hard at myself and see the objective truths in my life. This has helped me develop a new and cleaner plan than I had before with very specific goals compared to the vague outline I'd had before in a direction that I'm not so sure I'm comfortable with anymore. I was setting my aim a little low before and had only hoped to eventually be an environmental artist or a project manager in the games industry. My subsets of that to accomplish that goal were similarly vague and given that my resources did not provide an adequate method for establishing myself in an existing company I'd decided to form my own. Now I see that it was indeed a wise choice and it happens to fit nicely with my new plan. That is to clarify that my new plan did not directly incorporate any existing materials from the outset. Rather I designed it so that it was the most effective method to accomplish my new plans. Then in review I found that I'd inadvertently laid the ground work for my empire.

My new plan is less of a carpet bomb and more of a surgical strike team. I have immediate short term goals easily obtainable, factions and facets necessary to accomplish more difficult tasks, a timeline for the future with major and minor milestones and a handful of solid ideas to build my company and plans to accomplish them. There will be no fail-safes on this as it's do or die and I intend on living.

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